Variant Stockfish Testing Queue

Finished - 6971 tests

08-04-17 ia racingkings race_probcut diff
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 9119 W: 2400 L: 2368 D: 4351
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 skip probcut
07-04-17 ia atomic atomic_iid diff
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 3744 W: 1107 L: 1135 D: 1502
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 skip internal iterative deepening. LTC
08-04-17 ia horde 21f2a7c diff
ELO: -89.85 +-22.1 (95%) LOS: 0.0%
Total: 1000 W: 368 L: 621 D: 11
1000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 test upstream change
08-04-17 ia horde horde_revert diff
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 438 W: 271 L: 163 D: 4
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 revert upstream change
07-04-17 ia atomic atomic_iid diff
LLR: 2.97 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 9330 W: 3093 L: 2900 D: 3337
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 skip internal iterative deepening
07-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_iid diff
LLR: 2.97 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 5024 W: 2486 L: 2315 D: 223
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 IID at lower depths
07-04-17 ia horde horde_space diff
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-10.00,5.00]
Total: 2591 W: 1232 L: 1318 D: 41
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 simplify space bonus
07-04-17 ia atomic atomic_space diff
LLR: -2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 1370 W: 402 L: 460 D: 508
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 double space bonus
07-04-17 ia atomic atomic_movecount diff
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 1105 W: 340 L: 403 D: 362
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 skip move count pruning for atomic chess
06-04-17 ia crazyhouse tune_see diff
3170/10000 iterations
6456/20000 games played
20000 @ 20+0.2 th 1 tune SEE margins
06-04-17 ia atomic tune_see diff
9745/10000 iterations
20000/20000 games played
20000 @ 20+0.2 th 1 tune SEE margins
07-04-17 ia atomic atomic_storm diff
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 807 W: 292 L: 208 D: 307
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 tweak StormDanger
07-04-17 ia atomic atomic_storm diff
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 1242 W: 453 L: 361 D: 428
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 tweak StormDanger
05-04-17 ia horde fishnet-050417 diff
ELO: 71.34 +-15.4 (95%) LOS: 100.0%
Total: 2000 W: 1184 L: 779 D: 37
2000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
05-04-17 ia atomic fishnet-050417 diff
ELO: 23.84 +-11.9 (95%) LOS: 100.0%
Total: 2000 W: 678 L: 541 D: 781
2000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
05-04-17 ia losers fishnet-050417 diff
ELO: 40.13 +-14.4 (95%) LOS: 100.0%
Total: 2000 W: 998 L: 768 D: 234
2000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
05-04-17 ia kingofthehill fishnet-050417 diff
ELO: 11.64 +-13.4 (95%) LOS: 95.6%
Total: 2000 W: 806 L: 739 D: 455
2000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
05-04-17 ia racingkings fishnet-050417 diff
ELO: 56.43 +-10.6 (95%) LOS: 100.0%
Total: 2000 W: 650 L: 328 D: 1022
2000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
05-04-17 ia crazyhouse fishnet-050417 diff
ELO: 73.52 +-15.3 (95%) LOS: 100.0%
Total: 2000 W: 1172 L: 755 D: 73
2000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
05-04-17 ia horde tune_stormdanger diff
19278/20000 iterations
40000/40000 games played
40000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 tune StormDanger
05-04-17 ia losers tune_stormdanger diff
19175/20000 iterations
40000/40000 games played
40000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 tune StormDanger
05-04-17 ia losers losers_pruning1 diff
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 816 W: 405 L: 303 D: 108
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 less pruning for moves to attacked squares
05-04-17 ia losers losers_pruning1 diff
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 950 W: 477 L: 371 D: 102
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 less pruning for moves to attacked squares
04-04-17 ia racingkings race_see4 diff
LLR: -2.98 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 8718 W: 2189 L: 2164 D: 4365
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 take account of checks in SEE
04-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_storm diff
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 845 W: 458 L: 348 D: 39
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 tweak StormDanger
04-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_storm diff
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 1885 W: 971 L: 845 D: 69
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 tweak StormDanger
03-04-17 ia atomic tune_stormdanger diff
19355/20000 iterations
40001/40000 games played
40000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 tune StormDanger
02-04-17 ia racingkings race_see3 diff
LLR: -2.99 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 40740 W: 10819 L: 10437 D: 19484
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 tweak SEE
03-04-17 ia crazyhouse tune_stormdanger diff
19307/20000 iterations
40000/40000 games played
40000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 tune StormDanger
03-04-17 ia racingkings race_see4 diff
LLR: -2.99 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 16479 W: 4513 L: 4397 D: 7569
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 take account of checks in SEE
04-04-17 dd atomic tune_atomic_pawns_eg diff
4900/5000 iterations
10000/10000 games played
10000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 Tune pawn endgame evaluation
04-04-17 ia racingkings race_see5 diff
LLR: -2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 11378 W: 3067 L: 3009 D: 5302
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 take account of checks in SEE
03-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_material_hash diff
LLR: 2.99 (-2.94,2.94) [-10.00,5.00]
Total: 11874 W: 5660 L: 5679 D: 535
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 fix material hash
04-04-17 dd crazyhouse zh_rank7 diff
LLR: -2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 2664 W: 1266 L: 1328 D: 70
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 Bonus for guarded or unattacked holes on 7th rank
03-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_material_hash diff
LLR: 2.97 (-2.94,2.94) [-10.00,5.00]
Total: 12721 W: 6111 L: 6136 D: 474
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 fix material hash
03-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_material_hash diff
LLR: 1.07 (-2.94,2.94) [-10.00,5.00]
Total: 1950 W: 944 L: 934 D: 72
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 fix material hash calculation
03-04-17 ia horde horde_see2 diff
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 2723 W: 1312 L: 1374 D: 37
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 skip SEE pruning for advanced pawn pushes
03-04-17 ia horde horde_null2 diff
LLR: -2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 1421 W: 660 L: 741 D: 20
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 reintroduce null move pruning
03-04-17 ia horde 548ad02 diff
ELO: -205.04 +-35.9 (95%) LOS: 0.0%
Total: 500 W: 116 L: 381 D: 3
500 @ 10+0.1 th 1 bisecting
03-04-17 ia horde horde_pawns6 diff
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 944 W: 523 L: 408 D: 13
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 tweak formula for imbalanced horde penalty. LTC
03-04-17 ia horde horde_pawns5 diff
LLR: 1.68 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 13158 W: 6608 L: 6361 D: 189
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 tweak ImbalancedHorde parameter
03-04-17 ia horde horde_pawns6 diff
LLR: 2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 828 W: 464 L: 351 D: 13
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 tweak formula for imbalanced horde penalty
01-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_lmr1 diff
LLR: -2.96 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 10519 W: 5024 L: 4971 D: 524
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 test scaling of reduction tweak
02-04-17 ia horde tune_horde_pawns diff
9731/10000 iterations
20000/20000 games played
20000 @ 10+0.1 th 1 tune imbalanced horde penalty
02-04-17 ia horde horde_simp diff
LLR: -2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-10.00,5.00]
Total: 2401 W: 1146 L: 1231 D: 24
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 minor simplification for horde chess
02-04-17 ia horde fishnet-131016 diff
ELO: -195.51 +-25.0 (95%) LOS: 0.0%
Total: 1000 W: 243 L: 753 D: 4
1000 @ 30+0.3 th 1 regression test
02-04-17 ia horde horde_pawns4 diff
LLR: 2.97 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 6121 W: 3118 L: 2928 D: 75
sprt @ 30+0.3 th 1 penalty for pawns with only few neighbors
02-04-17 ia horde horde_simp diff
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [-10.00,5.00]
Total: 5903 W: 2922 L: 2897 D: 84
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 minor simplification for horde chess
02-04-17 ia crazyhouse zh_rank7_2 diff
LLR: -2.97 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 3051 W: 1431 L: 1486 D: 134
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 weak 7th rank
02-04-17 ia horde horde_pawns4 diff
LLR: 2.95 (-2.94,2.94) [0.00,10.00]
Total: 2569 W: 1336 L: 1198 D: 35
sprt @ 10+0.1 th 1 penalty for pawns with only few neighbors